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n'hésitez pas à nous soutenir en cliquant sur le top-site ou en laissant un petit mot sur bazzart. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1601777214
le forum ouvre de nouveau ses portes ! n'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre, plein de scénarios sont à votre disposition. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242
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 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.

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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 15:56

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27 ans ≈ Agent de police ≈ Célibataire

❖ ❖ ❖

≈ the world is an imperfect place.
≈ originaire de: Hollsville. Ses parents ont emménagé dans cette ville, juste avant sa naissance et celui de sa soeur  ≈ date de naissance: Le premier février. 01/02/1986. Yep ! Il a 27 ans ! ≈ lieu de naissance: À Hollsville ≈ nationalité:Américaine, bien qu'il ait des lointaines origines anglaises. ≈ orientation sexuelle: Hétérosexuel  ≈ signe astrologique: Verseau ≈ depuis combien de temps vis-tu à Hollsville ? Depuis sa naissance, depuis qu'il a pointé son bout de nez à l'hôpital.≈ qu'en penses-tu ? C'est une bonne ville qui le connait très bien, depuis sa naissance. Qui Sawyer connaît très bien et tout ses habitants. Il s'y plait vraiment et ne se voit pas partir loin sans espoir de retour. ≈ quel genre de voisin es-tu ? Il est quelqu'un a qui on peut lui demander de l'aide, digne de confiance, il sait garder vos secrets. Sawyer est assez connu dans la ville. Non pas parce qu'il est policier, mais il est aussi un bénévole concernant la culture de la ville. Il se peut des fois se montrer rebelle quand il n'est pas d'accord (je parle dans la police bien sûr).  ≈ groupe: from the beginning.
≈ le massacre du jeudi 18 avril 1996: C'est le jour que Sawyer déteste le plus. À chaque fois qu'il y avait ce fichu 18 avril, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de ne pas faire comme si rien n'était. Il prend toujours congé ce jour-là. Toujours et ses collègues ne peuvent pas le blâmer. Il va toujours au cimetière, à la tombe de sa soeur jumelle. Il lui arrive de parler avec elle. D'être absent durant son travail. De ne pas pouvoir dormir ensuite. Se rappelant toujours le sang, le massacre, les rires des élèves qui se sont transformés en des hurlements. Il avait dix ans, elle aussi. Il s'en était sorti, mais elle non. Chaque jour, Sawyer se bat et fait toujours comme si rien n'était. Cachant la personne brisée par une personne bienveillante, qui aide les gens et qui sera toujours là pour que cela ne se reproduise pas.

≈  we're all pretty bizarre, that's all. Sawyer adore la culture française + Il apprend le français et il lui arrive d'en parler + Il est allé à Paris deux fois, c'était une riche expérience + Il fume occasionnellement + Il n'aime pas parler de sa famille, c'est un sujet qu'il évite vraiment + Il est secrètement amoureux d'une personne, mais n'ose pas faire le premier pas, ne sachant pas si c'est réciproque + Aime beaucoup lire, vous le retrouverez au commissariat au poste de surveillance à lire un livre + Passe souvent ses soirs au bar pour boire un verre, faire des rencontres et ensuite repartir seul. + Il cours le matin et fait de la musculation pour se maintenir en forme + Est doué au volant + Il lui arrive d'écouter de la musique - diverses - + Hors de son boulot - où on le voit souvent en uniforme de policier - Sawyer est souvent en chemise, des fois accompagné d'une cravate + Il sort souvent de chez lui, il n'aime pas trop s'enfermer dans son appartement + Il va souvent au cinéma ou participe à des événements de la ville + Il lui arrive durant sa ronde de faire des petites pauses dans un petit café du coin + Ayant des problèmes à son bras droit, Sawyer prend des médicaments en cachette pour calmer sa douleur, ne voulant pas être relevé de ses fonctions + Est excellent en cuisine, c'était son passe-temps quand il était petit, ça lui permettait de penser à autre chose + C'est quelqu'un qui a toujours des mauvais coups, mais qui se relève toujours. + A perdu sa soeur jumelle lors de la fusillade + Ensuite ce fut le tour de sa mère qui s'est suicidée + Récemment, Sawyer vient de perdre son père qui était très malade + Connait un minimum de prises dans les sports de combat, ayant pratiqué cela dans le passé + Joue des fois de la guitare, il se débrouille bien + Ne supporte pas les animaux de compagnie, ça a toujours été comme ça + Sawyer est souvent sujet d'insomnie + Il lui arrive de marcher dans la ville tard la nuit quand il n'est pas de service, il lui est arrivé de jouer au superman une fois + Se prend toujours la tête avec Al bien que ce n'est pas surprenant pour tout le monde + Est quelqu'un qui ne sait pas très bien se débrouiller avec les sentiments de coeur + Son CARACTÈRE: Efficace - Sérieux - Taquin - Réfléchi - Organisé - Trop curieux - Observateur - Maladroit - Secret des fois - Confiant - Digne de confiance - Gentil - Humain - Méfiant - Susceptible par moment - Rancunier des fois - Semble être froid et difficile d'approche alors que ce n'est pas le cas - Protecteur avec ses proches - Casse-cou quand il le veut - Imprudent - Malin - Têtu - Compétent - Peut être blessant dans ses paroles.

Prénom/peudo: Léa/ Miss Mister Mystère :rire:j'ai un long pseuduo ! Âge: 17 ans. Avatar: JGL SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 857927664   Ton avis sur Life: C'est un bon forum ! Qui ressasse un événement qui s'est réellement passé. Franchement... I LOVE IT SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3499305067   Fréquence de connexion: Tout les jours normalement. Voulez-vous être parrainé ? Je ne penses pas, je sais très bien me débrouiller toute seule SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2655692821C'est votre dernier mot ? Oh yeah SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 166301837 

Dernière édition par Sawyer N. Hemingway le Lun 23 Sep - 20:35, édité 3 fois
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 15:56

≈ sweetie, you couldn't ignore me if you tried. Rouge. Rouge. Rouge. Les murs de la classe étaient rouges. Le sol de la classe était rouge. Les vêtements de Sawyer étaient rouges. Le jeune garçon s'était caché sous la table, il ne pouvait pas quitter du regard le corps inerte de sa soeur. Elle était là, avec sa robe bleue. Elle était paisible, elle dormait tranquillement. Sawyer ne voulait pas regarder les autres élèves qui ne bougeaient plus. Il n'entendait plus les bruits sourds, de balles qui enlevaient la vie des enfants. Ils étaient tous innocents, ils n'avaient rien fait. Sawyer ne savait pas ce qu'il a pu faire pour mettre ce monsieur en colère. Sa soeur était étendue, il priait tellement qu'elle se réveille. Qu'elle soit encore là, qu'elle lui parle. Mais non. Tout ce qu'il avait fait. C'était se réfugier sous la table. Il n'avait pas pu protéger sa soeur, sa moitié. Elle faisait partie des premiers à être tiré, elle était dans les premiers rangs... Sawyer n'arrivait pas à sortir de sa cachette, il savait que cela s'était arrêté. Mais il ne voulait pas sortir, il avait peur. Être sous la table, c'était le plus sûr. Il entendait quelques uns sangloter, gémir, parler. La marrée de couleur rouge vermeil était là, elle était partout. Il n'y avait pas un espace "pur". Il n'y avait rien de ce qui pourrait aspirer à la sérénité. Le temps avait vite défilé, tout en étant lent. Son épaule lui faisait mal. Très mal. La douleur le lancinait. Mais son cerveau laissait plus place à la peur qu'à la douleur. Sawyer ne parlait pas, ne fermait pas les yeux, ne disait rien. Il se contentait d'être là, les bras croisés. Sentant le sang couler le long de son bras. Il avait encore les bruits d'armes à ses oreilles. Les bruits qui ne s'arrêtaient pas. Les bruits du départ des vies... Entendant des gens entrer, entendant un hurlement aigu, Sawyer ferma les yeux et se serra contre lui-même. S'empêchant de pleurer, ne cessant pas de penser " calme toi, calme toi. Ce n'est qu'un cauchemar. Tu comptes jusqu'à ce que tu sens que c'est fini. Que tu te retrouves au lit. Dans la chambre d'à côté de Paloma." mais non. Rien de tout ça. " Hey ? C'est fini maintenant. Tu peux sortir de là, tu es en sécurité" " J'ai peur." " Je sais. Moi aussi." " Alors, c'est ça partir en vacances ? " " Il y a des moyens bien plus douces pour ça..." Sawyer regarda l'inconnu qui lui tendit ses deux mains. Il mit plusieurs minutes pour  se rassurer que c'était fini, à savoir que ça ne servait plus à rien de rester, pour appeler son corps à l'obéir, mais il n'arrivait pas à marcher une fois debout. Il fut donc porté. C'était en étant porté qu'il pu voir en tout détail une mare. Des éclats de sang et le nombre d'élèves morts, d'autres qui s'étaient cachés, des gens qui étaient là. D'autres qui pleuraient. Et là, sa soeur jumelle. Paloma. Sawyer avait tout de suite compris qu'elle était en train de dormir. Bien tranquillement, elle n'avait pas vu le coup venir. Il s'empêcha de pleurer, non il ne fallait pas pleurer. Quand il fut dans les bras d'une personne, la douleur vint brutalement. Puis il se mit à pleurer. Non pas parce que ça lui faisait mal à l'épaule. Mais parce que ça lui faisait mal au coeur. Mal d'avoir assisté tout ceci. Mal d'être impuissant. Mal de ne pas pu se mettre à côté de sa soeur exceptionnellement et de la protéger. Mal de voir les corps inertes. Mal de voir le rouge pour voir ensuite la blancheur immaculée des couloirs. Mal de voir des élèves qui observaient paniqués. Mal de voir la lumière de l'extérieur et des gens qui couraient dans tout les sens. Il avait la sensation d'être sorti de l'enfer. Sawyer venait de perdre sa soeur, sa moitié. Il savait qu'il ne sera plus jamais complet, il savait que ce qu'il venait de se passer l'avait changé. Non seulement lui, mais aussi les autres survivants. Sawyer priait qu'il n'avait pas perdu ses amis aussi. Pourquoi ? Mais pourquoi avait-il fait ça ? Pourquoi les tuer ? Qu'avons-nous fait pour mériter ça ? De quel droit devriez-vous prendre la vie de ma soeur ? Vous n'aviez pas le droit.  

Dernière édition par Sawyer N. Hemingway le Dim 22 Sep - 20:37, édité 1 fois
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 16:07

Bienvenue parmi nous SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3814002774 
Excellent choix de vava SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 16:39

Bienvenue, super choix I love you 
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E. Frankie Kingsley
◈ we are the beloved queens.
E. Frankie Kingsley

› MESSAGES : 973
› AVATAR : evan rachel wood
› PSEUDONYME : marie (wayland)
› DOUBLES : Kira l'animatrice rageuse
› CRÉDITS : shiya + silver lungs

› ÂGE: ~ 30 ans
› DISPONIBILITÉ: 1/5 rp libre

SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 16:50

EH BÉBÉ T'ES TROP CANON SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3814002774 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3814002774
Encore bienvenu par-minou Sawyer, t'es trop beau et ton personnage il va roxer du canard je le sens :') ET ECLATES TOI BIEN ET FAIS MOI DES BÉBÉS SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1087802959
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:05

JE T'AIME D'AVOIR FAIT CE CHOIX PARFAIT D'AVATAR SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3499305067  
bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1536826245 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:29

Arthur - T'sais, je te respect pour le choix d'avatar quoi ! Aaron SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3499305067 ! Merci SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172

Dean - Merci I love you ! Toi de même I love you ! En plus pompier, ça le fait trop SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172 !

Ashyy - COIN COIN SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 285196636 Ouais ! IL VA ROOXER DU CANARD ! (Je l'espère surtout SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2655692821 !) ! JE T'en ferais dans l'heure SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3814002774 ! Parce que KING OF THE NOOOOOOOOORTH ! (et ton avatar qu'est-ce que je l'adoooooore.... SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 857927664)

Alexis - OMGHDHEIBVIE SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172 HOLLAAAAAAAND RODEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1401925888 ! (éternelle fan de cette actrice Arrow BIEN LE BONJOUR) ! Merci beaucoup SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2233767769 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:31

je veux un lien. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2498996597 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:31

ALORS LÀ OUAIS ! JE L'VEUX CE LIEN SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1401925888 !
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:33

JE TE MPOTTE DE SUITE. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2498996597 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:34

J'ACTUALISE TOUTES LES TROIS SECONDES MAINTENant SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2655692821

//J'arrête les hurlements hystériques, mais RODEN QUOI SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 857927664 //
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:40

TON PSEUDO + JGL + TON MÉTIER. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 857927664 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3291010729 
Je peux te baver dessus ? Rien qu'une peu ? SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 134494966 J'approuve tout tes choix et j'aime déjà le début de ta fiche. Garde moi un lien au chaud bogoss. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1601777214 J'espère que tu te plairas sur le forum sinon, n'hésite pas à te plaindre. C'est Ashpatate qui tiens le carnet des doléances. What a Face Bwef, bienvenue. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 285196636 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:46

faut avouer que joseph est pas mal non plus dans son genre SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2498996597 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 17:58

bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche! SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1601777214
quel super choix d'avatar SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3291010729 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 18:10

Bienvenue parmi nous &' Bonne chance pour ta fiche SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2233767769
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyDim 22 Sep - 18:52

Roxanne - Tu baves déjà SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3239837280 ! OMGF JLC !!!!!! SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1401925888 ! Doctor Who SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172 ! J'aime beaucoup cette série ! mais j'ai toujours pas dépassé la septième saison SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 309729484 !
Cool ? On peut se plaindre ! Vous allez souvent m'entendre SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 2655692821 !! Merci jeune demoiselle SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3291010729 !

Alexis - Yeah SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3344050694 

Charlotte & Dana - Merci à vous deux les filles SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242 ! Vous avez fait des super beaux choix d'avatars (Gomez... SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 857927664 et Accola SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1401925888 ! )
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyMer 25 Sep - 13:32

Bienvenu parmi nous. SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3291010729
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyVen 27 Sep - 17:30

STOOOOOOONE SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1708488172!
Alors là le choix de fifous SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1401925888!

Merci SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242!

Je donne un peu de nouvelles par ici o/ ! Je ne vous abandonne pas au contraire ! Je penses souvent à vous ! La preuve ? J'ai fais mon histoire ... Mais comme une gourde, j'ai fais une fausse manipulation (deux même) et j'ai tout perdu SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1658411152! Alors va falloir que je recommence SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 3147131732 ...! Courage à moi, courage à moi ! Je finis mes devoirs ce soir, et avec un peu de chance je pourrais RECOMMENCER 🇳🇦
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E. Frankie Kingsley
◈ we are the beloved queens.
E. Frankie Kingsley

› MESSAGES : 973
› AVATAR : evan rachel wood
› PSEUDONYME : marie (wayland)
› DOUBLES : Kira l'animatrice rageuse
› CRÉDITS : shiya + silver lungs

› ÂGE: ~ 30 ans
› DISPONIBILITÉ: 1/5 rp libre

SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyVen 27 Sep - 17:33

SAW SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242
putain c'est bête ce qu'il t'arrive o.o t'en fais pas on te donne du temps en plus SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1536826245
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyVen 27 Sep - 17:36

Je pense que le week-end me suffira amplement SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 160332905 ! - du moins je l'espère SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 309729484 !
en tout cas merci SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 4236181152 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptyVen 27 Sep - 17:50

bienvenue parmi nous, avec un peu de retard SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 933472037 
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. EmptySam 28 Sep - 12:37

MON SAWYUVER SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1795315242 SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1536826245 
Bienvenue SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. 1601777214
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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.   SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time. Empty

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SAWYER —The decision to flee came very suddenly ... Or perhaps not ... Perhaps I had prepared from the beginning, until subconsciement the right time.

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